We utilize multiple services to treat the entire body affected by chronic and acute diseases, rather than managing or suppressing them. We work with you, one on one to not only have a healthy body but a healthy mind.
Acupuncture treatment is the stimulation of a certain points on the surface of the body by the insertion of special needles. The purpose of acupuncture is to prevent or modify the perception of pain and is thus a form of pain control. In addition, through the normalization of physiological functions, it may also serve in the treatment of certain diseases or dysfunctions of the body.
Acupuncture includes the techniques of electro-acupuncture - the therapeutic use of weak electric currents at acupuncture points, moxibustion - the therapeutic use of thermal stimulus at acupuncture points by burning artemisia, cupping - a local suction is created on the skin with the application of heated cups, guasha - a tool is used to scrape patient’s skin in order to produce light petechiae.
Acupuncture may allow for the painless relief of one’s symptoms without the need for medications or other invasive therapies, and improve the balance of bodily energies leading to the prevention of illness, or the elimination of the presenting problem.
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Holistic health is caring for the whole person. It is tending to your physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs, being aware of how all these aspects affect your overall health.
It depends on your insurance. We have to check if your insurance covers acupuncture.
Right now we accept insurances:
Anyone who's health can improve can benefit from our help. We will work with your to figure out the best way to to integrate our holistic care into your current wellness practices.
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